Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Online Counseling In Action: Assessing The Chances To Save The Marriage As "Low"

The Problem:
I just started a new job; in sharing a training class I exchanged phone numbers with two male classmates.

When they called, my husband became furious and very angry. Later he went through the phone bill and found out I called them. He said I was a liar and he couldn't trust me anymore.

My Reply:
It is easy to assess, even via short Online Counseling process, that your situation is not easy: you are married to whom you love, but you have realized that he is loaded with an 18th century attitude regarding women and a wife’s behavior in particular.

So be your own psychologist and do the assessment:
If your feeling is that this is insecurity due to an inferiority masculinity issue, use assurance, love and tenderness to work it out.

If you feel it is the old fashion male dominance and jealousy, use your senses and walk out; and the sooner the better.

Your current training activities and future career would not and should not accommodate such an attitude. You also do not want your possible children in the future to treat you and others in this manner. If you plan to leave the marriage, short term Online Counseling would definitely be helpful.

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